Farrow continues support of United Way “Backpacks for Success” program with $15K donation

Donation helps fill over 700 backpacks for local students between JK and the 3rd grade.

Farrow volunteers also help distribute the backpacks during volunteer opportunity
Once again, Farrow and its employees supported the United Way and its Backpacks for Success program. Through the program, students in JK through to the 3rd grade are provided with grade-appropriate supplies they need for school. Studies have shown providing children with back-to-school supplies increases classroom participation, attendance and student morale and helps with their success in later years.
In addition to a corporate donation of $15K, Farrow volunteers helped distribute the backpacks on Thursday, August 18th at the Sandwich Teen Action Group in west Windsor (see photos below). The recipients included children from Big Brothers-Big Sister, and the Coalition of Justice, Unity & Equity (CJUE) summer camps.

The text of a note from the United Way, thanking Farrow, follows:
Thank you, Farrow, for your continued support of the Backpacks for Success Program. We are so grateful for your generous contribution, as well as your time to distribute backpacks to students in West Windsor!
Your support ensures that kids in our community have the supplies they need for a successful school year!
Providing kids with back-to-school supplies increases classroom participation, attendance, and student morale. It’s been a challenging few years for children and youth as they navigate their education during a pandemic.
You’re support means more than just backpacks and school supplies, it also means one less barrier for families come September.

They made a little thank you sign for this photo ❤
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