Systems Solutions
Global Service

Peace of Mind. Delivered.

Farrow: Helping FDRA members reduce costs and streamline their supply chain.

Farrow is one of the only North American customs broker and distribution service providers offering Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) solutions in both the United States and Canada.

What to know about Foreign Trade Zones:

  • FTZ’s are secure, supervised areas, within North America, designated for purchased or imported goods that are eligible for tariff and tax exemptions
  • Purchased or imported goods can be stored, processed and assembled in the FTZ, and can be re-exported or distributed 
  • If goods are distributed, sold or consumed domestically, duties and taxes will apply, but will be deferred until the time of entry

The benefits as a Farrow Foreign Trade Zone client:

  • Unique opportunities to optimize North American and Global Supply Chains
  • Avoid unnecessary duties and taxes on goods entering and exiting the U.S. or Canada 
  • Improvement of inventory control
  • FTZ software services and brokerage services – offered by one provider - Farrow
  • Improve cash flow and reduce up-front costs by importing goods in bulk, and storing and removing as needed
  • Store goods up to 4 years – Goods can be handled in a variety of ways, as long as you don’t alter the condition of the goods
  • Merchandise may remain in a zone indefinitely, whether or not subject to duty

Our team of Farrow’s qualified experts are at your service with FTZ solutions, to help navigate through complexities and find a solution that’s best for you.

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